A Message From Whitworth

A Message From Whitworth

For three wonderful years, I’ve had the pleasure of serving and directing the Summer Fellowship Program through Whitworth University’s Office of Church Engagement. In fact, in the summer of 2021 right after I graduated, I served as a Fellow myself here in Spokane before jumping into my current role! Through spearheading this program, I’ve been fortunate to talk with many students about their experience as a Fellow. In a time when so many things in the world can feel defeating and draining, I find hope in the ways that our Fellows have said “yes” and stepped out in faith to participate in unique ministry work all across the country. We have Fellows that work with those experiencing homelessness, Fellows doing community engagement and advocacy work, Fellows leading campers, Fellows doing marketing and communications work for churches, and Fellows planting and cultivating community gardens, just to name a few of these unique roles. Part of what brings me back to the feet of Jesus as I listen to these Fellows’ stories from during and after their summer is that while their individual experiences are so different and varied, they’re often still wrestling with and wondering about the same things. They’re thinking intentionally about rest and Sabbath, they’re embodying curiosity by asking about the lived experiences of others (like their wonderful homestay families!), and they’re thinking about their desired vocations in new and expansive ways. In three months of service, our Fellows are getting to encounter new communities, broaden their worldviews, deepen their understanding of ministry, and increase their connection with others and with Jesus. What a beautiful thing to be a part of- both for myself and for you! Numerous students have mentioned upon reflection in the fall that their experience as a Fellow was “life-changing”; some have even changed their majors to line up with what their Fellowship entailed! While I’m grateful to be a part of this process, the real weight of these statements lies with the work that God is doing in and through your communities, and in the ways that you’ve faithfully stewarded our Fellows. I’ve been blessed to see and hear about the ways students are interacting with their faith anew, and I hope that seeing this has been a blessing for you as well. Thank you for all you’re doing! With gratitude, Gracey Jo Gonzalez Director of the Summer Fellowship Program