About our Organ

About our Organ

For five centuries or more, the organ has taken a significant role in leading worship. Its power and majesty have inspired generations. Its glorious sounds have sustained millions of worshipers' voices raised in praise to God. Creative composers and improvisers continue to touch the hearts of listeners, lifting them from the everyday to the heights of spiritual vision. Concert performers thrill audiences with its clarity and colorful dynamic range.

The RB Community Presbyterian Sanctuary Organ lies at the heart of traditional worship. It is a unique instrument that combines the best of old and new technology. The church took advantage of its 2002 sanctuary renovation to enlarge the 1981 Moller forty rank, three manual pipe organ into a four-manual pipe/electronic instrument of 125 ranks. In consultation with Organ Stop of San Diego, the pipe organ was integrated with an Allen Renaissance organ, resulting in a "hybrid" organ comprising eleven divisions, including a floating Celestial Strings division at the peak of the roof in the stained glass cupola and an Antiphonal division, complete with a powerful Trompette en Chamade projecting over the congregation from a rear gallery.