Back to School Drive

Back to School Drive

Last year RB Community provided over 250 backpacks and hundreds of school supplies to local children through Friends & Family Community Connection in Poway, Salvation Army serving student in Escondido, and Solutions for Change families in Vista.

This year with the COVID restrictions we are limiting our collection days to four Saturday mornings (July 18, July 25, August 1, August 8) and are hopeful that your generosity will continue allowing us to provide backpacks and school supplies to local students. In addition to the agencies mentioned above, we are partnering with Meadowbrook Middle School to help provide backpacks for students and school supplies to their Academic Success class.

Items Needed: 15' and 17' backpacks, 3-ring binder, college ruled and large line paper, #2 pencils, black & blue ink pens, crayons, highlighters, scissors, rulers, spiral notebooks, paste, staplers, erasers

Please contact Elaine Johnson ( if you would like to contribute but cannot make the drop off dates/times.