Belief and Unbelief

Belief and Unbelief

Over the last few months, I have regularly received stories about belief and unbelief on my newsfeed. These are articles about the reasons for people leaving the church, why Christianity is losing millennials, the issues that atheists put forward that make Christians struggle, and the questions that people have that are making them lose faith. However, in the last couple of weeks, I have received articles on well-known atheists who have turned to faith in Jesus, the needs that churches are meeting that aren’t met elsewhere, and truths of the Bible that make atheists uncomfortable. I don’t know what that mixture makes you think, but I can tell you that it makes me think that “life is falling apart, every evil thing possible is taking over, hardship and despair are all you can see around you,” is a perspective growing from repetition, more than reality. As I read the articles on unbelief, I found that they were general and actually the same kinds of issues that have always been a challenge for human beings. As I read the articles on belief, I discovered that these were grounded in more timely, like right now, kinds of experiences that people were having. Ultimately, this makes me simply sit back and talk with God. It makes me retell my soul the stories of God’s intervention, his participation, his words in my life and in my heart. I remind myself of where I have seen God working in the lives of people around me. Frankly, I walk through the moments of life that I know are true, real, and consistent. I trust that and I encourage you to do that. We can give in to despair or we can take hold of what we know and what we do with what we know. Blessings, Geoff