Book of Ruth

Book of Ruth

  • The first chapter of the Book of Ruth speaks about how to return when we go astray. "We traveled on the road to return to the land of Judah" (Ruth 1:7)

  • The second chapter speaks about how to be satisfied when we are hungry. "I ate, and was satisfied, and had leftovers" (Ruth 2:14)

  • The third chapter speaks about how to worship when the heart overflows. "She lay at his feet until morning"(Ruth 3:14)

  • The fourth chapter speaks about how to bear fruit when we desire to serve Him and work in His house. "The two women who built the house of Israel" (Ruth 4:11)

Ruth 1:

Naomi went with her family to the land of Moab, and they lived there for about ten years or more. During this time, she forgot her people, the city of Bethlehem, the land of Judah, the temple, and even the God of Israel. Her sons married Moabite women, and they lived simply, eating, drinking, and marrying.

When we wander in the land of Moab, in a foreign land far from Bethlehem (the land of fullness), far from drawing near to the Lord and His Word, we become estranged and forgetful. Yet, He restores our souls and leads us back to the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

No matter how far a believer strays, no matter how long the period of wandering, there is one who watches over them and protects them, even from themselves. "I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him"(Isaiah 57:18)

Naomi’s Loss:

Naomi said, "The Lord has brought me back empty. The Almighty has afflicted me and made me bitter"—just as happened to the prodigal son, who lost everything, found himself in need, and clung to one of the citizens of that land. He was humbled and made to feed pigs. His friends abandoned him, and no one gave him anything. But then he came to his senses.

These are the divine dealings of the Lord that He allows in the life of a believer, to shape them and make them into a new vessel—an instrument useful for honor, who can discern the voice of the Lord, submit to it, and obey.

To the weary soul that has gone astray, the Lord says: "Follow the tracks of the sheep" (Song of Solomon 8:1), where the green pastures and still waters are. Amen

Iman Karras