Come Help Us Pack 30,000 Meals

Come Help Us Pack 30,000 Meals

Come Help Us Pack 30,000 Meals March 22 – Upper Parking Lot

You read that right, we are doing it again! Last year we packed 45,000 meals however, the Missions Committee would like to sponsor the food packing event annually and can afford to do that if we pack 30,000 meals. (Each meal costs 30 cents). For those of you who have done it before, you know it’s FUN, it’s FAST, and it’s great COMMUNITY. Baja Presbyterian Missions will be taking all 139 boxes of meals to Presbyterian Churches in Baja to distribute to families dealing with food insecurity and refugees living in border shelters. Please join us by signing up for one of the following assignments on this link: event-Food-Packing-Event.

  • 10 set-up crew from 7:15 – 9:00

  • 10 table leaders from 8:30 – 12:00

  • 100 packers from 9:00 – 12:00

Your generosity in donating new and gently used warm outer wear for men, women, and children has exceeded all expectations (over 400 items). Clothing has been delivered to the following non-profits in San Diego: Alpha Project, Interfaith Community Services, New Day Urban Ministries, STEP serving enlisted military families, and Solutions for Change. On Friday, more than 50 jackets, jeans, and coats will be delivered to Urban Rescue Mission Thrift Store in Covina, they are encouraging fire victims to come shop for free. All the games, toys, books etc. are going to San Marino Presbyterian Church for distribution to children in shelters or motels who have been displaced by the fires. Volunteer in the Community: Ladle Fellowship – First Presbyterian Church, San Diego Every Sunday First Pres sponsors Ladle Fellowship to those living on the street opening their gates from 2:00-4:00 providing coffee and a warm meal, haircuts, devotion and prayer, charging stations for cell phones, triage and wound care, and fulfills clothing or toiletry needs. Perhaps your small group or group of friends would like to help with Ladle Fellowship one time or more often. Sign up at ladlefellowship. Grocery Drive Thru on Saturday, March 1 (9:00-11:00) Upper Parking Lot Feel the Joy in Serving HIM Together, Elaine Johnson Outreach Coordinator