

One of the most important things for Christians right now is being aware of current events. We need to know what is going on in the world. Everything from wars to climate change to advancements in science and technology to relationship builders to solutions to homelessness to finances are all areas for us to have some awareness of. Along with that, we need to be exploring our Bible. Karl Barth, a leading theologian in the last century, the man under whom my Father-in-law received his doctorate, said, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” I’d simply shift newspapers to “newsfeed,” however you receive your news. Too many people interpret their Bibles from their newsfeeds. We find people who don’t hear the Bible’s words because their newsfeed feels like it carries all authority. They suggest that the Bible is outdated. We find people who claim the Bible’s condemnation of groups or individuals or political parties because their newsfeed feels so scary. They take portions of the Bible that connect with news items and deliver their denunciations out of their own fears. Our God is stronger than what we hear or read in the news, and we need to allow God’s full perspective to guide our understanding of the world, rather than the other way around. If we don’t, we misuse the Bible or don’t recognize the depth of hope and assurance we have within it. We want to be aware of current events because we want to talk with God, to follow his lead in any area in which he needs us to bring help, security, comfort, or guidance. We want to be ready to serve and be thankful regardless of the circumstances. My Father-in-law cut out an editorial cartoon and stuck it on his refrigerator shortly after moving in with us when we lived in Florida. It showed a “Chicken Little” type news reporter, with a trench coat, microphone, and businessman’s hat with a “Press” card stuck in the band, running toward the viewer and shouting, “HURRICANES ARE COMING! HURRICANES ARE COMING!” Is there trouble? Are there struggles? Will we have to make important choices in the near future regarding our country and even the world? Sure. Absolutely. Will any of it move us out of the caring support and engagement of God and his love for us? I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39) Blessings, Geoff