Discerning Decisions for Missions

Discerning Decisions for Missions

Since January the Missions Committee has been reviewing applications, websites, and financial statements for missions and missionaries requesting funding. This is an annual review requiring those seeking funds to provide an update on previously stated goals and to indicate how funding from RB Community has been used to help meet those goals. At their May meeting, the Missions Committee approved $90,500 for distribution to the following missions and missionaries: Missionary – Linley Krahel, Raising a Voice (human trafficking) Knoxville, TN Missionaries – Besho; Ana Metry (discipleship) Kansas City; 10/40 window Mission – Baja Presbyterian Missions (church building) Baja Mission - CRU Mongolia, Centurions Military Ministry Mission – CRU Mongolia, New Life Teachers Ministry Mission – Escuela Cristiana Camirena (Christian school) Bolivia Mission – Gatyana Bible College – (training pastors) Africa Mission – Grace Children’s Center; Shelter (street children) Africa Mission – Missions on The Edge (MOTE) Prison Ministry Mexico/Puerto Rico Mission – Walindwa/Elma Barnet Children’s Center in Kenya Please visit our website under Missions to learn more about the good work each of these missions and missionaries is doing on our behalf. If you attended or read the update in last Saturday’s newsletter you know that ARABIAN NIGHTS was a huge success with all proceeds going to support the work of three RB Community-sponsored missions (Agabus, Agabus PK, and Matt 25:40) in Egypt. In June, we will be highlighting another RB Community-sponsored mission Walindwa which was founded by one of our very own missionary congregants, Jill Weller Vampola. Walindwa serves homeless children in Kenya by providing on-campus living and education from elementary through high school introducing them to Jesus and demonstrating how his love surrounds and provides for them. The Missions Committee also provides funding for our local Outreach Ministry efforts. During the month of June, we are collecting groceries on June 1st (9-11 in the upper parking lot) and during VBS for the Salvation Army in Escondido. On Saturday, June 22 we will be collecting pet supplies for dogs and cats to be donated to the San Diego Humane Society and Helen Woodward Center. Please consider donating if you have pet food, toys, bedding, leashes, or collars that your pet doesn’t use. New items are also greatly appreciated. Thank you to the Deacons, our congregation, and local community members for donating two SUV loads of groceries to 4 Community Care food pantry. Also, to the folks at Silvergate for packing 200 sack lunches for clients of Interfaith Community Services, and to those who made blood donations on May 26th. Serving HIM Together, Elaine Johnson Outreach Ministry Coordinator