1. Do I have to be a member of RB Community Church to participate in RB Community Theater production/classes? No. RB Community Theater is open to everyone.
2. Do parents really have to participate? Yes. It takes a village, and parents becoming involved with their child's experience takes our productions to the next level. There are flexible options for those balancing busy schedules. Volunteer details are provided before the start of each session.
3. If my child changes their mind to attend a session, can I get a refund? Full refunds will be issued up until two weeks prior to start date. All cancellations after the two week prior date will receive a partial refund. No refunds will be given once the session begins.
4. May I make payment installments? Yes, but full payments need to be complete before the end of each session. Please contact Olivia@rbcpc.org to work out the details.
5. What happens if my child is absent from class? The more classes your child can attend, the better their theater experience will be. Each class is jammed packed full of theater skills learning so an absence can lead to a lot of missed material. However, we know emergencies and illnesses happen and we'll do our best to work it out. Conflict sheets will be handed out during the parent meeting prior to the start of classes. Please remember to write down all possible schedule conflicts then so we can plan accordingly. Too many unplanned absences do affect the entire cast and final performance.
6. What safety measure do you have place? RB Community Theater adheres to strict child protection measures. All staff and volunteers are background checked, trained and work in groups of two or more.