RB Community will be hosting a Face to Face encounter on March 6, 7, 13, 14 from 8am – 3pm each of those days.
Face to Face is a ministry dedicated to supporting the spiritual formation and renewal of Seniors seeking to know and experience God more fully. It is a time when you encounter Jesus, Face to Face. The primary theme of the program is “Living in Grace”. It presents basic Christian theology and Biblical content geared to the spiritual needs of Seniors seeking fuller, richer, renewed experience of Christ.
Face to Face is an adaptation of The Walk to Emmaus Encounter, specifically crafted to meet the needs and life-stages of older adults. The sessions cover subjects such as discipleship, mission, grief, and end-of-life issues.
We share in worship, opportunities for Christian learning as well as fun, food and fellowship with other Christ-followers while experiencing an abundance of God’s love and grace. Participants sit at tables and listen to talks given by laity and clergy with reflection and discussion following each talk.
“Walk to Emmaus was the most transformative experience of my Christian Walk. I recommend the Emmaus or Face to Face experience for anyone wishing to experience God's love more deeply and grow in their Christian journey.” Scott Wood
The Encounters are conducted over 4 days (Friday and Saturdays in succeeding weeks). Participants, called Pilgrims, are expected to attend all four days. Cost is $50. which includes lunch and refreshments. Many of our members at RB Community have found the Face to Face experience to be meaningful and transformational in their Christian walks. More information is available on the courtyard between services or at https://www.sdemmaus.org/face2face.