Feeling the Pain

Feeling the Pain

We had a discussion today (this past Tuesday) in one of our staff meetings about all the trouble in the world. With the ongoing war in Ukraine, the turmoil and destruction in the Gaza strip, the threats coming from parts of the Arab world and rejoinders from Israel, and then the starvation happening in so many places… Myanmar, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Central African Republic, Afghanistan… as well as poverty sites within our own country. We talk about just the people in our neighborhoods who have food insecurities, some of whom we are reaching with our contributions and food-packing events. But, there is so much more, isn’t there? This past Tuesday evening (which I’m only anticipating as I type) we held our Presidential debate. By now, you all know the outcomes and impact of that on the national stage. People are most likely both pleased and disappointed unless there is a general sense that both candidates held their own. That, of course, would mean that things remain pretty equally divided… and strained. There’s enough pain to fill any given day. That’s the reason I’ve been preaching on “How Come I’m Stuck with This?” When we live in a season like this in the world, we might feel like we’re the only ones who have ever seen anything like it. We have people on both sides who feel they are righteous in their quest to have their side win. That’s not unusual in our world. It’s not unusual for anxiety to fill conversations and our news connections. That’s why we gather on Sundays, to hang on to each other and the truth of God. To remind ourselves… “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” (Ps. 94:19) We gather to remind ourselves of the truth – the whole truth. We remind ourselves that, yes, there is heartache, pain and trouble in the world. But there is also the One who stands with us and holds us and leads us through, showing us how to help. We remember… “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Blessings, Geoff