Finishing Well

Finishing Well

“Well done, good and faithful servant.” These words of Jesus are repeated at so many funerals and in so many obituaries, because, for those remaining, they represent a life well-lived. They also express something of the grace received through that person that’s poured into the lives of those around them. One of the things that has struck me about Jesus’ use of these words is that they aren’t about finishing, they’re about growing into more responsibility. When Jesus tells the story in which we find these words, he is talking about 3 servants who received responsibility “according to their abilities.” One is given the greatest amount of resources, the second is given a bit less and then third is given one. His single amount (a talent – a term for money that we turned into a natural ability) was still a lot, but we learn that even that he squandered by doing nothing with it. The other two double what they received and they are welcomed with the words above. They are welcomed, however, with the words, “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” The way I imagine these two servants hearing these words is with a sentiment like, “Cool… what’s next?!” We learn that they love what their Lord did with his property and they want to match it. They enjoyed him and working with him. They were respectful and humble in their use of his resources, recognizing that their joy was found first in having the responsibility. Within the limitations of their circumstance, they were given an enormous freedom to make the most of everything they could use. In some ways, to have fun. They were looking for a good outcome and because they did so well with it, more responsibility, more opportunity to be exploratory and expansive was given to them. I believe we have been given great responsibility, an incredible amount of resource on which to draw, and the opportunity to have the most fun possible with God our Savior, Lord and Friend. Let’s make life work well. Blessings, Geoff