How To Survive the Holidays After Loss

How To Survive the Holidays After Loss

GriefShare is a support group that provides care for people all year round, but the group is especially attentive to needs during the holiday season. They have excellent materials to share and even a book specifically dedicated to "Surviving the Holidays."

Those who attend GriefShare talk about the pain and deep grief that they experience when they lose a loved one. They sometimes describe it as a fog that seems to affect their minds and emotions.  When the fog lifts, however, one of the most difficult things they have to face is the loneliness their loss has brought.  Being able to talk to your GriefShare friends about how hard it is to face your aloneness is one of the benefits of meeting with others who understand your experience. Each person’s grief is unique and sharing your burden of loneliness can bring clarity and hope for healing. Here is one woman's experience:

She came into the room still reeling from her husband’s death a year ago and hoping that a group that called itself GriefShare might provide some way to cope with her pain. What she found was a gathering of men and women who understood her. They, too, had lost a loved one and faced their own grief and sense of isolation. She stayed and watched the video that illustrated how others had found peace through prayer and God’s loving grace.  She took the workbook to study, and she listened as others shared their experiences with grief and the ways that they were coping.  She left with the hope that attending GriefShare and sharing her burden with others would provide the peace which she sought. 

GriefShare meets the first and third Sunday of the month, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM in the library. November 17 meeting will be dedicated to the subject, "Surviving the Holidays." Booklets are available.

Would you or someone you know benefit from the support of this group. Please contact Carol Kasser at or call (858) 312 0902.
