Locally Universal

Locally Universal

“I believe in the holy catholic church.” Throughout my ministry I have answered the question, “Why do we believe in the Catholic church?” This has been during confirmation classes, new member classes, and just regular conversations that begin, “Something I’ve always wanted to ask…” The simple answer is that we don’t believe in the Roman Catholic Church, but in the catholic – “universal” – church. The word “catholic” was created from two Greek words, “kata” – about and “holos” – the whole. The essential idea is “the church at all times and in all places.” We believe that where Jesus is there is the church, in any part of the world, throughout history and into the future. The universality of the church is expressed in its fullness as it is diverse in the mixture of cultures, languages, eras, and personal experiences. In Ephesians 4 we read, 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. On Sunday, October 6th, we celebrate World Communion Sunday, where we regain and express our assurance that Jesus came for the whole world, and that we are united around the globe in our love for him. We recognize, on this day, once a year, how the sacrifice of Jesus is an offer for every person in every place at any time. We also recognize that we are hand-in-hand with every other believer who has ever lived or will ever live, admitting our weakness, our failure, and our need for grace. Blessings, Geoff