“What about people like me who are dying and still love God? What about people who take very few steps, but every step leaves a big impression in the snow because it costs every ounce of strength they have left?” These are the words of a young woman who was tuning into Christian TV shows, looking for support and care and hearing the guests share how God had fixed everything that was wrong with them. Marriages were restored, diseases were healed, finances were supplied… everything worked. (At this point you should read those opening words again.) What about when life isn’t neat and it doesn’t get tidied up, no matter how much you pray? In my time here, I’ve been able to come alongside a number of you in your times of worry, concern, heartache, and despair. Sometimes we’ve seen a helpful suggestion arise from our conversation. Sometimes we’ve just bowed our heads and asked God for wisdom. In all cases, I have been honored to be with you in the moments and experiences you shared. One of the great gifts of ministry, of simply being a Christ follower, is found in listening to another’s circumstance. I think it is a particular gift because when we gather we know there is another with us. The Holy Spirit surrounds us and also sits in with us. The office/study I get to use for a bit here becomes a holy place when the light of Christ shines from the presence of the Spirit. And what is even better is that the holiness of a space can be at a coffee shop, driving together, helping each other carry food donations into a center, visiting a hospice room, a hospital room, or an apartment or house. God’s presence and joy join us as we come alongside those who feel like they are trudging through snow on an uphill path. Life may not be tidy, but regardless of the mess, we are not alone. We are never alone. Blessings, Geoff