Panic or Pray

Panic or Pray

Some while back, an 85-year-old Nun got trapped in an elevator. She was alone at the convent because her sister nuns had gone to a convention. The power went out and the elevator stopped moving. Her cell phone couldn’t find a signal, so she just had to wait it out, wait until someone came looking for her or the power came back on. She was there for 3 days and 4 nights. Fortunately, she happened to be carrying a water bottle and a bag of celery sticks. After her water ran out, she discovered cough drops in her pocket that allowed her to quench her thirst. Water, celery and cough drops are what sustained her… oh, and prayer. After her ordeal began, she explained later that, she calmed herself and considered her choices. She determined that it was either to panic or to pray. So, she decided to use the time she had as a personal prayer retreat, not knowing how long it would be nor how it might end. As she told her story, she described her experience as a “gift,” that drew her closer to God. So, ultimately, she ended up being thankful for the whole thing. This little story makes me think of the times when I have a similar choice because of circumstances that are suddenly thrust upon me… panic or prayer. I can either pretend I am alone, or rely on the one who promises never to leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). I can either draw close or wallow in my self-pity. I can create a list of everything I don’t have or I can recognize what I do have. And… it’s good to carry a water bottle with me. Blessings, Geoff