Our youngest daughter used to “percolate” when she was very happy about something. Her whole self would tremble in a joyous, thrilled, shaken quivering. As a young woman, she designed and had made a necklace with a little, old style, coffee pot bursting as it steamed. I had a small jewel put on the top where the crystal handle on the lid would be. It was just something that expressed who she was. People wear crosses today to mark who they are as believers in Jesus. At the same time, you can find photographs online and in magazines of people for whom it has become a simple adornment that doesn’t mean much of anything to the wearer. It’s just something they wear because they feel like it… that day. It goes with the outfit. In this season of Easter, we’re encouraged by the truth of the Resurrection to allow the revelation of God’s love to permeate our souls and to cause us to percolate with joy. That image of our daughter, shivering transparently in delight, may not be something in which you would be comfortable. That’s not necessary, but what is necessary is the expression of joy does reflect the fullness of what Resurrection means to you. Does it light up your face? Does it make you laugh? Does it make you dress a bit more sharply because you just feel good in the grace that God has poured into your soul? Does it make you say “hello” to whoever you pass? Does it cause you to pick up the check for someone else? Does it move you to visit someone who doesn’t get visitors? Permeating and percolating are sister reactions where something fluidly moves through a porous substance. Imagine the Holy Spirit, moving truth, joy, and God’s love through your soul and causing an effect you joyfully can’t deny. Blessings, Geoff