Sharing our personal stories and faith journeys empowers people just like a trellis supports a climbing plant. When we hear what others have gone through during their journey in life, we learn from them. We can learn examples of what worked and what didn’t work for them. Each person is unique and each person’s relationship with Jesus is unique, however we can still find inspiration from others. We grow spiritually with our community. We are here for each other. A couple of years ago a TV show I liked to watch was “New Amsterdam”. It was a medical show and the new medical director was always asking his staff: “How can I help?”. I loved that. When I think of the sermon last week and who the people are in this church, I feel like we have people who ask the same thing. Do you need a prayer to help you or someone else right now? When missionaries need help or whenever we hear about others who might need clothing, food, or supplies, we are there for them. We can help. We can share our experiences with others and help them grow spiritually. Remember that we are not alone. We are grateful for God’s presence and guidance every day. We find strength in our community to deepen our faith. One more reflection from last week is to consider fasting from negativity and feasting on positive aspects of life in your spiritual journey during Lent. We are not alone. God is there for us!!! Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.