Attending the Sunday service and both the 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM Christmas Eve services was a truly uplifting experience. Each service offered unique insights with the themes of healing, hope, and the transformative power of Christmas. Christmas is a source of healing and a time of renewal. It a chance to understand who God is, and a time of peace, joy, and love. The healing goes beyond physical ailments to encompass emotional and spiritual well-being. We receive life thru Christmas, and it is a new beginning for us. Some people walk past God. Yet, God brought great news to everyone. Jesus can be seen as ordinary like us, and this teaches us that we are worth something. Jesus opened heaven for everyone to enter. There is no more death or mourning since we can believe that Jesus died and rose again. We will be with the Lord forever. We all matter and God loves us. We are not alone as he helps us face life every day. We just need to listen to God’s plan and embrace hope that Christmas brings. Reflecting on these services, I am reminded of the profound impact that Christmas can have on our lives. It is a time for reflection, for reconnecting with our faith, and for embracing the hope of a new beginning. Thank you to all of the volunteers and staff members who helped get the message and love out to everyone. Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.