Reflections (September 11, 2021)

Reflections (September 11, 2021)

I could relate to the message last week about giving up control especially through Geoff’s story. He talked about himself getting very frustrated and how he kept trying to manipulate things to make something work. Then people told him to stop and listen. The next step was critical in that he reflected on what he could learn from this experience and what God was trying to teach him in that moment.  Frequently, we keep fighting and trying to persevere as we go through these moments. I looked up persevere and it talked about a poem that had to do with going through the darkness as they walked along the edge of the abyss. That is so true that we are balancing along this fine line. Other gods or idols start to own us. We disregard the things we love.  Yet, our life with God is bigger and richer as we build relationships with others around us.  The song that followed the sermon was about giving up control and that we can’t do it on our own. I think this is why the people in this church have made it through the tough times. We have built relationships with others as we attend classes and Life Groups, pray for others, attend worship services, donate to help others in the community, volunteer at church, and hold each other’s hands in tough times. We are growing in our relationships with each other and with God. We are so happy that we have each other!  In the next few weeks as you see your friends at church, thank them for their love and guidance along your journey with God. Stop and listen to reflect on how God is at work in our church and in your life. Reflections from Deborah Kelly Share your reflections with and let us know your thoughts.