Reflections for January 25

Reflections for January 25

Last week’s sermon by Tim Wazny explored the theme of faith and its transformative power within our community. It reminds me of the powerful stories the Mission Study Team collected during the Appreciative Inquiry process. People shared stories about their faith and what gives life to the church. Faith nurtures their relationships and inspires them to serve others. Tim described how David and Noah encountered God in profound ways demonstrating the importance of trusting in God’s guidance. In this church, we have trust in others and can serve with others through our faith. We have seen God be part of our lives, and we share joy, grief, and challenges together. These key points were presented to help us see who we are today and who we can be. The Call to Worship said, “We gather to worship God. God creates us and loves us.” Think about that. God has brought us together for a reason. The opening song, “Praise” really got us going by lifting our spirits and creating an atmosphere of joy. We were praising the Lord together. It is wonderful to come together on Sunday mornings to listen to new ways to connect with God. It is a time of reflection, a chance to see how we can grow, and a chance to connect with others. Thank you to the incoming Elders and Deacons who were installed on Sunday and are willing to serve this church. You can help us continue this wonderful atmosphere of growth and love. Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.