Reflections For October 12

Reflections For October 12

We can understand God’s nature by studying His Word, observing His creation, and experiencing His love through Jesus. Jesus leads us to understand the word of God. He leads us to think deeply and challenges us. This reminds me of being a teacher. Teachers want to help us understand different topics. They do this by challenging us to take that extra step so we know more than just the definition of a term. Jesus wants us to live with God every day and keep learning. He helps his listeners understand the importance of being receptive to God’s Word and the challenges they may face in their spiritual journey. We had a wonderful World Communion Sunday last week. We heard the song “Amazing Grace” sung in four different languages. We, also, had Mofid and Geoff lead us in communion with Geoff speaking in English and Mofid speaking in Arabic. I found out that this special day began in 1933 to demonstrate the interconnectedness of Christian churches, regardless of denomination. God wanted us to think beyond our own church community and think about people in the world who can experience his love. We have been created into relationship with others. It brings to bear the love, joy, peace, kindness, and gentleness of God. We want to grow together. We can’t do this by ourselves. By understanding and embracing the goodness of God and seeking His guidance through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we can live a more harmonious, fulfilling life. Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.