God changes us to be more like him. We become enabled to hear and communicate with God. Jesus is described as both fully human and fully divine so that he could exist in both this world and with God. We have a chance to take the next step and be new people in this relationship. As we continue to learn more, we get involved in a new life with God. He brings us to peace, joy, faithfulness, and gentleness. In the closing prayer, we thanked God for teaching us to want him more. I would like to reflect on the way we can learn more. In Geoff’s class last Sunday, he talked about us being open to seeing how to move forward. We need to learn how and why we can take the next steps. We need to actively participate in the process so we can learn from experience. It isn’t just about showing up for church on Sunday. It is crucial for our spiritual growth to do more than listening. I like how we keep learning to implement our new skills, ideas, and chances to get closer to God. This is how I grew up in this church. I got involved and each experience helped me take another step. I learned new skills and was able to share them with others. I would not be who I am today without all I have learned at this church about how I can serve God and others. Blessings to all of you as you continue to learn, try new paths, spread joy, and love God for all he does for us. Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with deborah@rbcommunity.org and let me know your thoughts.