Reflections for july 13

Reflections for july 13

I am going to start this week with a quote from what Geoff said last week: “We are together as a community to work with each other. Thank God for how he is guiding us.” I had written this down, and then in an email exchange with a few people included this since I appreciated how our group was working together to make something happen. Also, I appreciated how God was guiding us through the process! The message theme was - Sharing Life: Following with Sincere Hearts. Jesus calls us into sincerity and clears out decay within our souls. As I am writing this, I think of how books, movies, and television shows have people with hidden motives. Yes, that makes the story interesting, but Jesus encourages us to be genuine. He offers us a new way of living. We don’t need to be perfect, but we can strive for a transformed heart. We are called to live together, learn from each other, and support one another. On July 14, we will be celebrating all of our wonderful church volunteers who support our ministries and help in so many ways. We will have a cake on the patio to appreciate everyone. We are a community, and we love how God is guiding us to make a difference for ourselves and everyone around us. We are called to be a positive influence in the world and to open our hearts to God. Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.