Reflections for june 15

Reflections for june 15

The theme of the service was Hospitality and Welcoming Strangers, and we welcomed the youth to lead this service. They did a great job of singing, playing the organ, leading us in the Call to Worship and Prayer of Confession, speaking about their experiences in the church, and delivering the message. The scripture was about loving each other openly and loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. This tied in with us appreciating and loving our youth who are part of this church. I liked their commentaries to give us ideas about how to connect with the youth and how to support them. Scripture was used about Peter helping others, and Abraham who went above and beyond to help others. People risk themselves to help others, and we see how God can work with us. We need to be attentive to others. We can help welcome people who come to the church and provide information for them to understand who we are. We can invite people outside of the church to attend our fellowship events. Ryan Thomas, who delivered the message, recognized Joyce Schroeder for all she does to connect people and offer hospitality. We all need to go the extra mile to welcome others and support them. The service emphasized that helping others is an act of love and faith and that we participate in God’s work by doing so. Amen! Thank you to everyone in this church who share their gifts and offerings to make a difference. Reflections from Deborah Kelly. Share your reflections with and let me know your thoughts.