Summer Preschool Update

Summer Preschool Update

What’s happening at the preschool during the summer? During the summer months, the preschool office staff work to close up records from the ending school year and prepare records of our new students for the fall. We clean, reorganize, fix things that are broken, and prepare for the families to return in August. This fall we are excited to have an extra class of 4-year-old preschoolers. At a time when 4-year-old children are increasingly moving away from private preschools into the public school’s TK (Transitional Kindergarten) programs, the only explanation for our increase in 4-year-old classes this year is God’s grace and blessing on us. While preparing licensing paperwork to add an extra classroom for these young kids, I noticed the original license date of our preschool. RBCPC Preschool became a licensed preschool in 1974. 50 years! What a great milestone to celebrate. We are so grateful for the prayers, support, and donations that you all share with us in keeping this ministry as a beacon in our community. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating God’s goodness to the preschool ministry this year. Blessings, Kim Vandergrift