TIPS for Self Care During COVID 19

TIPS for Self Care During COVID 19

During times of change and uncertainty it is ever more important to incorporate self-care and structure into your schedule. While your typical self-care routine may no longer be available, there are ways to stay healthy and remain connected. Every day take time to take care of yourself.*

Exercise - increases energy levels, improves happiness and doesn't have to take place in a gym. Take a virtual workout class at home or spend some time outdoors walking or biking.

Eat Healthy - the foods we choose to nourish our bodies and the way we enjoy them can have a tremendous impact on our mental and physical health. Be purposeful when restocking on groceries and pick up foods that boost your mood such as oatmeal, nuts, and even dark chocolate.

Sleep - plays a major role in our overall health, improving emotional regulation and management of anxiety. It's important to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, especially during times of stress. Try to limit your exposure to the news and social media a couple of hours before bed.

Learn and Explore - research shows people engaged in learning feel more confidence, hope, and purpose. Keep your mind active by taking virtual tours of museums, reading, trying new recipes, or solving puzzles.

Structure and Routines - having regular times for eating, going to bed and rising in the morning, exercising, and working or studying can help maintain a sense of normalcy.

Practice Mindfulness - take breaks throughout the day, first thing in the morning or before bed to slow down and be present. The practice of pausing, breathing, and just "being" is essential to our well-being and mental health because it helps us reduce stress, worry less and it enhances feelings of resiliency.

Talk with a Friend - Our connections with others help us cope with the ups and downs in life. Keep in contact with friends and co-workers through phone and video calls.

September is National Mental Health month. For additional information related to stress visit

*Article taken from Each Mind Matters website