Encouragement from Pastor Mofid

Encouragement from Pastor Mofid

Grace to you and Peace,

In the last few weeks, we have been seeing more clouds in the skies of our usually sunny San Diego. These winter clouds bring heavy rains and cloudy days. Summer clouds, however, are different. They come and go fast and the bright sun usually appears quickly behind them. 

I pray and believe that what we are going through now is like a summer cloud. It will be behind us soon. Let us focus not on the “cloud”, but let us fix our eyes on our Lord, the Sun of righteousness. 

Approximately, one hundred years after the return from the Exile, Israel sinned again against God, but the faithful remnants waited for God’s mercy and salvation. To those remnants wrote prophet Malachi “but for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.” (Malachi 4:2) Malachi was prophesizing about the Messiah. 

The New Testament teaches us that “when the fullness of time had come” (Gal.4:4), God sent His Son, the Messiah, the Sun of Rightlessness. His disciples, saw “His face shone like the SUN, and His clothes became white as light” (Matthew 17:2). 

We are experiencing a difficult time; a time of uncertainty, but, like the Remnants of Israel, who were waiting upon the Lord, let us wait upon Him. Physical, emotional and spiritual healing will come from Him. Soon the sun will rise and the problems we have now will be just like a summer cloud. God is in charge!! We trust Him.

May the Lord bless you all, keep you healthy, bless our great nation and look with favor and mercy upon the whole world.

In Christ, 

Dr Mofid Wasef


  • Prayer Requests can be sent HERE


  • Pastoral Care emergency calls go to 858-487-0811 extension 206 (forwarded to Pastor Mofid's cell phone)

  • We are diligently reaching out to every member through a variety of methods, starting with the most vulnerable of our family.