upcoming event
“We are being transformed into his image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Cookies for KAIROS Ministry

Cookies for KAIROS Ministry

  • During Welcome Center Hours and Sunday by Noon
  • RB Community Welcome Center

Here is an opportunity to help bring hardened inmates to Jesus. COOKIES are the incentive to lure these men into the prison chapel for a 4-day short course on Jesus and Christian living.

Cookies represent Christ’s abundant love. San Diego churches and individuals donate cookies in support of the KAIROS Ministry. RB Community has been involved in supporting KAIROS for a number of years and donated about 80 dozen cookies last November.

Cookies will be collected in the Welcome Center from Thursday, March 27 through Sunday, March 30th at Noon. Please provide home baked cookies only. Package cookies in a clear ziplock bag as they will be inspected at the prison. Package 1-dozen per bag.

Thank you for supporting the KAIROS Prison Ministry.

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“Our guiding vision comes from the words of Jesus. ‘From the believers will flow living waters.’ - John 7:38”