The Children’s Ministry at Rancho Bernardo Community Church is excited to offer parents an evening out! It is our desire to provide all families at RBCPC with a place for community, friendships, and support. Through our “Fun Friday” program, families have a chance to enjoy a relaxing evening while your infants through 5th grade children engage in a night of fun, specially designed just for them. Infants and toddlers are cared for in a warm, nurturing setting with developmentally-appropriate activities, while older children enjoy delicious pizza, exciting games, a special Bible teaching time, and a fun, age-appropriate movie. We work to create an engaging, loving environment for each child to grow and thrive! We look forward to welcoming your family!
Date: February 28th
Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Cost: $10 per child
Space is limited! Registration is open until midnight on the Thursday before each event, or when capacity is reached - whichever comes first.
Infant / Toddler / Pre-K / Elementary Registration FULL - Waitlists FULL