upcoming event
“We are being transformed into his image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Grocery Drive Thru - December

Grocery Drive Thru - December

  • 9:00 - 11:00 am
  • Upper Parking Lot

This drive thru event is to collect groceries to help replenish the Salvation Army food pantry in Escondido. They distribute groceries to families in need every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. Thanking you in advance for helping to provide non-perishable grocery items from the following list:

Canned soups, meat, fruit, vegetables, sauces, and canned meals Boxed cereals low in sugar, salty and sweet snacks, and Cup a Soup Household cleaning items, TP, Kleenex, laundry and dish soaps

Checks made out to Salvation Army will be delivered and are appreciated.

“Our guiding vision comes from the words of Jesus. ‘From the believers will flow living waters.’ - John 7:38”