Diving Deeper at VBS

Diving Deeper at VBS

We are in the midst of an amazing week here on campus with our Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Every day, 160 kids flood our church, ready to dive into a world of crafts, games, songs, and learning about God's love. This year's theme is SCUBA, and we are encouraging our children to dive deeper into their friendship with God. Throughout the week, our young participants have been discovering profound truths about God:

  • God is a Friend That is Real: They are learning that God is always present and real in their lives, no matter where they are.

  • God is a Friend Who Loves: They are experiencing God's unwavering love through stories, activities, and the care of our dedicated volunteers.

  • God is a Friend We Can Trust: They are understanding that God is trustworthy and faithful, providing a solid foundation for their growing faith.

This has been a truly transformative experience for the children, filled with joy, laughter, and meaningful connections. The energy and enthusiasm on campus are evident as children and volunteers immerse themselves in this spiritually enriching journey. As we approach the final days of VBS, we ask for the continued prayers of our congregation. Please keep our children and volunteers in your thoughts and prayers, asking for God's guidance, protection, and blessings as they conclude this incredible week. Your prayers and support make a significant difference, helping to create a memorable and impactful experience for everyone involved. Our family ministries at RB Community are so grateful to all the caring volunteers who have given their time this week. Your dedication and love have made this week possible, and we couldn't have done it without you. You have provided our church with an incredible community outreach opportunity and helped draw children closer to God. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we are nurturing the next generation of faithful friends of God.