“God is a friend you can trust.” My four-year-old, Joey, repeated this phrase as we pulled into the preschool this morning. He learned it last week at VBS, an experience\n\nThis would not have been possible without the dedication of Steven Karras and the rest of our family ministries staff, as well as the gift of time from 90 volunteers. Serving our young people and their families takes some extra work, but it’s worth it. VBS may be over, but there’s another event with lots of kids on campus coming up: Summer Theater. \n\nA few years ago, we struggled to enroll 20 kids for summer theater. This year, we are bursting at the seams with nearly 60 kids enrolled and 30 on the waitlist. Can I get an, “Amen!” for Olivia Donald and her team?!. This growth is exciting, but it means we need more volunteers to help. If you have special skills, like singing, sewing, painting, set design, or dancing, that’s great. If you don’t, that’s great, too! We need adults to be there for supervision, and to hopefully build relationships with the kids and their families. \n\nOn Youth Sunday, upcoming sixth grader Rachel White addressed the congregation on the topic of community. She said participating in theater makes her feel like she’s part of the church community. She also mentioned that if more adults helped with theater it would deepen the relationships and trust between the youth and the adult bodies of the congregation. This is our chance!\n\nSummer Theater runs two weeks, July 21 to August 2, Monday through Friday from 9am-3pm. It’s a longer commitment, but you do not need to volunteer every day for the entire time. We gladly accept any help you can offer. More information can be found on the ...